Понедељак, 18. Март 2013.


On this page you can find links to the content that we believe may be of benefit. If you need information on starting your business, and you can find them on our site or on the Internet generally also write to us, we will do it for you .


Accounting Bureau

Central Registry of Compulsory Social Insurance

Infrastructure quality products - Portal TEHNIS

Business Associations

Financial Sector Associations

Economic organizations and think tank in Serbia

Employment Agencies

Enterprise Europe Network Serbia

Enhancing Entrepreneurial Development

The national market for goods and services Serbia (NTRUS)




What is Factoring?
The Law that consider factoring , was published in the "Official Gazette of RS", no. 62/2013 of 16 July 2013.  and  entered into force. This Law is expected to improve the functioning of...

Субота, 28. Децембар 2013.