Четвртак, 01. Јануар 1970.


Local government




  • represents the municipality;
  • suggests a way of resolving the issues decided by the Assembly;
  • suggests the execution of the budget;
  • direct and coordinate the work of the municipal government;
  • adopt individual acts for which he is authorized by Law, Statute or Decision of the Assembly;
  • Perform other duties which are determined by Statute and other municipality documents .
  • Mayor represents  the Municipal Council  and chairs its sessions;
  • Mayor and the Municipal Council regularly report to the Municipal Assembly, at its own initiative, or upon request, on the execution of decisions and other acts of the municipality.


Address: Square Stevan Mokranjac No.1

Phone: +381 (0)19 542 024


Municipal council

  • Is proposing the Statute, the budget and other decisions  for the Assembly;
  • Executes and ensure the implementation of decisions and other acts of the municipality;
  • Makes a decision on temporary financing in the case that the Assembly does not adopt the budget before the beginning of the fiscal year;
  • Supervises the work of the municipal government ;
  • Decides in administrative proceedings at second instance on the rights and duties of citizens, enterprises, institutions and other organizations in administrative matters within the jurisdiction of the municipality;
  • Ensures the implementation of delegated responsibilities in the framework of rights and duties of the Republic of Serbia;
  • Appoint and dismiss the Head of the municipal administration, and Chiefs of the specific areas.

Local administration




What is Factoring?
The Law that consider factoring , was published in the "Official Gazette of RS", no. 62/2013 of 16 July 2013.  and  entered into force. This Law is expected to improve the functioning of...

Субота, 28. Децембар 2013.