Среда, 14. Новембар 2012.



Download: The Profile of Negotin municipality - sourcedata: DevInfo

                                        Download: The Profile of Negotin municipality

Agricultural landе


Agricultural area covers 70,338.1575 hectares, of which 61119.3460 ha of arable land. Agricultural land owned by Republic of Serbia is 8290.7827 hectares.


 Forests and forest land

Negotin municipality is rich in medicinal herbs and forest fruits. Collection, cultivation and processing of medicinal herbs and forest fruits is a developmental ability of the municipality to be exploited in the future.
About one- third of the municipality is covered by forest. Of the total forest area , over 4.807 ha is owned by RS , while the 23.222ha are forests owned by the citizens(about 38 % of the territory of the Municipality). There is a trend of increasing forest area due to the depopulation of the countryside and the abandonment of agricultural production.







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What is Factoring?
The Law that consider factoring , was published in the "Official Gazette of RS", no. 62/2013 of 16 July 2013.  and  entered into force. This Law is expected to improve the functioning of...

Субота, 28. Децембар 2013.