Четвртак, 18. Октобар 2012.

Geographical location

General information


Download: The Profile of Negotin municipality - sourcedata: DevInfo

                                        Download: The Profile of Negotin municipality

Negotin municipality is  located in the north - eastern part of the Republic of Serbia, on the border with the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Romania. It covers an area of 1089km2, which is 1.9% of the total area of the Republic of Serbia.Negotin ranks as the seventh largest municipality in the Republic of Serbia. The municipality has 38 villages and Negotin,with a total of 15087 households. According to the Census of 2011 Negotin municipality has 46.679 inhabitants and the number of inhabitants living abroad is 12,800. There are 31,322 inhabitants living in villages, but 11,012 inhabitants are living abroad. The town has 18,357 inhabitants of whom 1415 lives abroad.

Negotin Municipality borders in the north to the municipality of Kladovo, in the northwest and west to the municipality of Majdanpek, south-west to the municipality of Bor, south to the  municipality of Zajecar.At the southeast and east there is the border to the  Republic of Bulgaria with a length of 41km and on the northeast there is a  border to the Republic of Romania, a distance of 35.5 km during an international river basin. Length of state border is 31km terrestrial and aquatic 45.5 km.


From Belgrade to Negotin there is a international road E 75 over Paracin (300 km). Crossing over Pozarevac and Majdanpek ( 290 km ), or the Danube highway through Donji Milanovac ( 250 km). The distance from Niš  is 150 km, Zajecar 57km. The closest town in Bulgaria is Vidin, it is 55km away and the closest  town in Romania is Turnu Severin for 80 kilometers.

Time Zone


CET (Europe)

GMT + 01:00




Geographic position and characteristics of the relief are condition for certain specific terms of climate surrounding Negotin. In fact, there are large differences between the maximum and minimum temperatures, what is characteristic of a continental climate. Mean maximum temperature in July is 28.50o C, and the mean minimum is in January -4.50o C. Absolute temperature fluctuations is 69.70 C, as the maximum temperature recorded is 41.200 C, and a  minimum -28.500 C. Otherwise, the mean annual temperature is 11.100 C  -1.100 C in January and  22,100 C in July.

An important fact is that the period with temperatures higher than 5 C is 8.5 months, which defines the period of vegetation. It is also good to know that autumn is about 20 C warmer than spring. The average relative humidity is 73 % ( 81,1 % in January and 63,5 % in July ), and the mean annual rainfall is 613mm.




Relief characteristics of this area, as a result of geological structure, tectonic and exogenous processes can be expressed by upland areas and exposure as indicators relevant for the valuation of the land use.

According to the high altitude areas, the terrain can be roughly divided into three parts:

  • zone with altitudes below 300 m ( more than 70 %, or 785km2 );
  • area of 300 - 800m ( 297km2 , or about 27 % );
  • zone with altitudes over 800m (only about 0.6 % or 7km2 ).

In terms of exposure, prevailing flat ground without some exposure, and those exposed to the southeast.

The structure of the slope - prevailing gentle slopes (up to 5 % and 5-10 %), which has a positive impact, both on the benefits of agricultural production ( small land degradation by erosion processes ), and the construction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. Of course, the advantage of building on areas with slope less than 1 % depends on the permeability of the surface. 



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