The company in the Diaspora

Full business name Preduzetnicka radnja za programiranje Elder Code
Short name Elder Code
Address 21. Maj 5/14
Country Ethiopia
Since 06. 03. 2013.
City Nis
ID number 23131231
Tax number 123453452
Phone Telefon
Fax Fax
Number of employees 1
Number of women 0
Established 1976
Web address
Form Privatno
Main activity code 235342
Description of main activity Racunarsko programiranje
Type of business cooperation Outsourcing
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What is Factoring?
The Law that consider factoring , was published in the "Official Gazette of RS", no. 62/2013 of 16 July 2013.  and  entered into force. This Law is expected to improve the functioning of...

Субота, 28. Децембар 2013.