About Negotin
Negotin and challenges of economic development
Download: The Profile of Negotin municipality - sourcedata: DevInfo
Download: The Profile of Negotin municipality
Negotin Municipality is a natural geographic unit, an economically integrated area, which has a communication network of 38 settlements, with Negotin as urban settlement that represents spatial, economic, historical and administrative center.
The success of the local community is increasingly dependent on its ability to adapt to the dynamic conditions of the national and international economy. Strategic planning for local sustainable development, local governments are using to increase economic capacity, to improve conditions for investment, to improve productivity and enhance of the competitiveness of local businesses, companies and workers, as well as its competitiveness in relation to other communities. The ability of local government to improve the quality of life of its citizens, create new economic opportunities and to fight against poverty today depends on the ability of the community to understand the process of local economic development (LED 's ), to act strategically on the market that is rapidly changing, and where the competition is growing each day.
What is Factoring?
The Law that consider factoring , was published in the "Official Gazette of RS", no. 62/2013 of 16 July 2013. and entered into force. This Law is expected to improve the functioning of...